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  2. The head of the People's Freedom Party’s Arkhangelsk branch asks for political asylum in Norway

The head of the People's Freedom Party’s Arkhangelsk branch asks for political asylum in Norway

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Activist and head of the People's Freedom Party’s branch Yuri Shcherbachyov from Arkhangelsk said that he had left for Norway. He requested political asylum there and is now in a migrant camp. He reported this on his page on vk.com.

The head of the People's Freedom Party’s Arkhangelsk branch, Yuri Shcherbachyov, said that he had left for Norway. He requested political asylum there. The activist lives in a migrant camp 100 km from Oslo together with migrants from other different countries, mainly from Ukraine and Syria.

According to Shcherbachyov, his phone and computer were taken away from him, he accesses the Internet from someone else's PC. This is not done with all migrants — only with Russians and those who seem suspicious.

"They told me that a Libyan posing as a Syrian had a photo of him in a Gaddafi-era gendarme uniform on his phone," the Arkhangelsk resident said. "As for the living conditions, I would say that someone who was in a Russian prison cannot be scared with a Norwegian ‘camp’."

Yuri Shcherbachyov participated in protests against the construction of a landfill at Shies and repeatedly participated in protest actions. For example, in 2019, he held a picket outside the FSB building against torture in colonies. In October 2020, security forces broke into the activist's apartment due to suspicions of insulting a representative of the authorities.

And on May 9, 2022, he held a one-person protest demanding that the police return the medals of his father, a veteran. They were taken away from Shcherbachyov during searches. Shcherbachyov was detained for this picket.

Yuri Shcherbachyov is 7x7’s blogger.


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