Межрегиональный интернет-журнал «7x7» Новости, мнения, блоги
  1. Горизонтальная Россия
  2. Subscribe Focus 7x7!

Subscribe Focus 7x7!

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Only important news from Russian regions

Hello! I’m Maxim Polyakov, a journalist for the "7x7" media, and I have stories for you about how Russian regions are doing in times of war. Every week I put together a newsletter about the events shaping how Russia is changing during wartime.

We called this newsletter "Focus." It will be a short summary of the main publications in the "7x7" over the past week, and my personal take on them. By doing so, I hope to explain the prevailing trends in Russian society today.

Subscribe to the "Focus" and tell your friends and acquaintances about it!