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  1. Horizontal Russia
  2. Yakutia authorities to purchase software for monitoring opposition activities online

Yakutia authorities to purchase software for monitoring opposition activities online

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Authorities of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) are planning to purchase a program to identify Russian citizens inclined towards opposition and predict possible protests. Corresponding state procurement request has already been placed at the 'Goszakupki' website.

Sakha Republic authorities are going to purchase a program to monitor VK, Telegram, LiveJournal, and independent media round the clock. They will find members of protest movements, collect 'extremist' publications, identify connections between activists, and deanonymize Telegram users.

Using this data, the program can predict possible protests. Identified individuals will be sorted according to their age, place of residence, and activities, and added into a special database.

Estimated software cost is 1.2 million rubles.


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