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  2. Police detains an activist from Ivanovo during a picket against the special operation

Police detains an activist from Ivanovo during a picket against the special operation

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The police detained activist Olga Nazarenko from Ivanovo during an anti-war picket. She stood with a poster in support of the defendants in criminal cases about fakes. The activist was released from the department without a report. OVD-Info reported this.

Olga Nazarenko came out with a poster in support of arrested artist Alexandra Skochilenko from St. Petersburg, municipal deputy Ilya Yashin, journalist Maria Ponomarenko, activist Olga Smirnova, and manager Victoria Petrova. All of them are under criminal proceedings on fakes about the army. During the picket, the police detained Nazarenko and took her to the police station.

The last time the activist from Ivanovo was detained was on September 7. The police came to her place of work, seized her office laptop, and took her to the department. An inspection is being carried out against her for posting anti-war leaflets and hanging out the Ukrainian flag from the balcony. However, the report on Nazarenko has not yet been drawn up.

After February 24, Nazarenko came out with posters against the special operation in Ukraine. She has already received fines in the amount of more than 200 thousand rubles for this.


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