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  2. Prosecution of Komi has not yet decided whether to appeal from a judgment against the former director of Rusvietpetro LLC

Prosecution of Komi has not yet decided whether to appeal from a judgment against the former director of Rusvietpetro LLC

However, the supervisory agency stated that it controls the elimination of the effects of oil spill in the Usinsk district

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Let us recall that last week the city court of Usinsk passed a sentence against the former director of the Usinsk branch of the Rusvietpetro LLC Alexey Krokhin. He was found guilty of committing crimes under Part 2 of Art . 237 of the Criminal Code (concealing the facts posing a threat to human health and the environment, if the result of such acts came other serious consequences), Art. 246 of the Criminal Code (violation of environmental regulations in the operations) and Part 1 of Art. 250 of the Criminal Code (water pollution). At the end of 2012, due to an accident on an oil pipeline, large amounts of fuel got into the Vozeyshor stream, the Colva and Usa rivers, exerted an adverse impact on soil and vegetation.


Photo: A. Popov


The court inflicted a penalty of 200 thousand rubles upon him. Interdistrict environmental prosecutor of Pechora Dmitry Perminov said that, perhaps, the prosecution will appeal from a judgment. Environmentalists and social activists also called the punishment too mild.


Today, the press service of the supervisory authority reported that the judgment on the matter was not awarded yet.


In the meantime, the prosecution noted that experts have analyzed the removal of effects of the Rusvietpetro LLC oil spill in the Usinsk district. According to reports of the RPN in Komi, the damage equaled 114,464,486 rubles. Herewith, a producer company performed a voluntarily work on the restoration of impaired environment totaling 99,418,776.72 rubles.


"Taking into account the compensatory principle of reparation of damages caused to water body, the cost of the enterprise to eliminate the consequences was accepted by the RPN in Komi. Considering the difference between the damage and the amount of voluntary compensation of damage, "Rusvietpetro" LLC charged 15,045,709.28 rubles to the Office of the RPN in the Republic of Komi. The environmental agency sent these funds to the budget of Usinsk," it is said in the official prosecution’s report.


Maxim Polyakov, «7x7»


Original: http://7x7-journal.ru/item/36893

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