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  2. "Undesirable" books of the Soros Foundation are being seized from libraries and educational institutions of Komi

"Undesirable" books of the Soros Foundation are being seized from libraries and educational institutions of Komi

"Logic", "Western philosophy of the XX century", "Anthology of French surrealism", "Student Sports and Life" are under seizing at the National Library of the Komi Republic

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According to a website of the newspaper "ProGorod", literature published with the support of the Soros Foundation will be confiscated from libraries and schools of Komi. They published a letter from the deputy presidential envoy of the Northwestern Federal District Andrei Travnikov addressed to the deputy prime minister of the Komi Republic Tamara Nikolayeva.

This literature, according to officials, "forms a distorted perception of national history and promotes settings alien to the Russian ideology".

Also, "Progorod" published a letter of an Acting Education Minister of Komi Svetlana Moiseeva-Arkhipova to the heads of regional universities, vocational schools, and the Komi Republic Institute for Educational Development; she requested to submit information on the availability of such books in the libraries of educational institutions until December 14.

Director of the Komi National Library Olga Miftahova said that she never heard about such a disposal and could not comment on this information, since all the management were celebrating closing of the Year of literature in the country.

At the same time the library, visited by the correspondent of the Internet journal, confirmed that a list of books published with the support of the Soros Foundation was made at the disposal of the management. There are about 50 books in a separate book-case. Among the "unwanted" and popularizing the "alien to Russian ideology" there are textbooks on logic, the French surrealism, and criminology.

According to the head of the humanities hall Vera Panteleeva, she also has to gather information on how many times each book was handed out to the readers. In the book itself, specifying the date of issue, there are numbers of reader's tickets, which makes determination of who has read the "forbidden" literature theoretically possible.

The Komi Ministry of Education could not be reached for comment.

In late November of this year, the Soros Foundation was considered an undesirable organization in Russia. Prosecutor General's Office has determined that the fund is a threat to the fundamentals of the constitutional system of Russia and national security. Before that, the fund was in the so-called "patriotic stop list" with more than a dozen of "undesirable" NGOs developed by deputies of the State Duma.

The international charitable organization founded by financier and philanthropist George Soros initiates and supports programs in education, culture and art, health care, civil initiatives, promoting the development of ideas and mechanisms of open society. Representative offices operate in more than 30 countries.

Portal "Meduza" has published an article, "What the Soros Foundation did in Russia. How a forbidden organization saved the Russian science, education and culture".

"Soros Foundation was recognized subversive. They were in demand, with the collapse of the communist system, reforms in education. Their literature contained all humanities knowledge. In the current environment, we do not need pro-Western things in the field of education, we will be drawn upon our own resources," rector of the Institute for the Development of Education Yevgeniya Shebolkina told to "ProGorod".

«7x7» publishes a list which is likely to be removed from the National Library of the Komi Republic on Monday.



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