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  1. Horizontal Russia
  2. 'UAV danger' road signs appear in Belgorod Oblast

'UAV danger' road signs appear in Belgorod Oblast

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Road signs warning of potential drone attacks have appeared in Shebekino, Belgorod Oblast, as reported by the head of the administration, Vladimir Zhdanov, on May 27.

Signs reading 'UAV danger' have been installed in the town of Shebekino in Belgorod Oblast. Currently, two signs are positioned near the exits to the ring road. Vladimir Zhdanov, the head of the administration, explained that this road poses a risk due to its proximity to the state border.

Zhdanov further noted that each sign, bearing the message 'Attention, driver, UAV danger,' is accompanied by a diagram depicting a safer alternative route.

According to calculations by '7x7', since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, at least 181 civilians have died in Belgorod Oblast, and at least 243 across Russia.


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