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  2. Staff of the Berkut with families may settle in the Kirov region

Staff of the Berkut with families may settle in the Kirov region

Chairman of the trade union of employees of the internal affairs of the Kirov region announced about the readiness to shelter families of the Berkut

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Employees of the Berkut asked inhabitants of Russia and Belarus for asylum for their families. One of those who responded to the request for help was a chairman of the Kirov union of employees of the internal affairs Yuriy Basmanov.


An appeal for assistance to the people of Russia and Belarus appeared in the Berkut community Vkontakte:


"Friends, due to the fact that our Ukrainian brothers and sisters need help, many of them seek asylum (at least temporarily) in Russia and Belarus, write a lot of requests for assistance: not material help but physical residence. If there are empty houses or a place to shelter in the villages of Russia and Belarus, write to the administrator. Many women with children; the situation is critical, it is necessary to evacuate women and children!" was said in a statement.


Director of the association of trade unions of Russian police Lobarev Alexey Yuryevich assumed commitment on the coordination of activities related to the evacuation of families of the Berkut on the territory of Russia. That was he whom the chairman of the trade union of employees of the internal affairs of the Kirov region Yuriy Basmanov contacted with and offered his housing assistance in the region to families of the Berkut.


Representatives of the consulate of Ukraine have already contacted with Basmanov and clarified how many people he is ready to host.


Yuriy Basmanov commented to «7x7» on his desire to shelter in the Kirov region employees of the Berkut with families and told about conversation with a man from the consulate of Ukraine:


"We haven’t discussed with the consulate the specific time limits of resettlement of the Berkut families yet. I learned from Alexey Lobarev that a lot of people want to move. At first I was ready to take 2-3 families, about 8 people, but when I learned that many want to move, I decided to contact with regional authorities and gained their support. Tomorrow I’ll meet with Nikita Belyh and will discuss with him the possibility of settlement of the Berkut in abandoned, but still habitable houses which are enough in the rural areas of our region. I think that a few scores of people can be settled in the Kirov region with no trouble.


Let’s add that unions of employees of the internal affairs of Tatarstan, Perm Kray, Moscow, and other regions of Russia answered a request for help from the Berkut families.


 Ivan Izmailov, «7x7»


Original: http://7x7-journal.ru/item/38208

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