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  2. Novosibirsk resident sentenced to 25 years for attempted arson of military enlistment office

Novosibirsk resident sentenced to 25 years for attempted arson of military enlistment office

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Ilya Baburin from Novosibirsk has been found guilty of attempting to set fire to a military enlistment office and sentenced to 25 years, according to a report by Solidarity Zone on May 20.

The court found Ilya Baburin guilty on several charges, including state treason and attempting to organize a terrorist act. The 24-year-old was sentenced to five years in prison, followed by 20 years in a strict-regime colony.

"We consider these fabricated accusations and the demand for such an inhumane sentence as retaliation by law enforcement for Baburin’s anti-war stance and his refusal to cooperate with investigators," his lawyers told the 'Siberia. Realii' media outlet.

Ilya Baburin was detained in September 2022 for allegedly preparing to commit arson at a military enlistment office. In March 2023, he was also accused of state treason, and later in the autumn, he was charged with illegal use of tracking equipment after a GPS tracker was found during a search. He was also accused of setting fire to a music school, and two months later, of participating in the activities of the Azov Regiment*, which is recognized as an illegal armed formation and a terrorist organization.

Initially, Ilya Baburin pleaded guilty, but later he denied any involvement in the arson or with the Azov Regiment. He reported being tortured and pressured by law enforcement. Baburin claimed that in the pre-trial detention center, he was forced to strip naked and was placed in a 'psycho-isolation cell' with rubber walls. He also alleged that he was beaten by escorts after being taken to see the investigators.


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