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  2. The murderer of his ex-girlfriend from Kemerovo went to fight in Ukraine

The murderer of his ex-girlfriend from Kemerovo went to fight in Ukraine

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A resident of the Kemerovo region, who was serving a 17-year sentence for the murder of his ex-girlfriend, went to fight in Ukraine. Relatives of Vera Pekhteleva, the victim, informed human rights activist Alyona Popova about this on June 27.

In early 2020, 23-year-old Vera Pekhteleva was brutally assaulted and killed in Kemerovo. The perpetrator, her ex-boyfriend Vladislav Kanyus, subjected her to hours of rape and beatings. Despite neighbors' calls, the police failed to respond. Vera Pekhteleva's body exhibited 111 injuries.

Kanyus was subsequently convicted and sentenced to 17 years in a high-security prison. However, in June 2023, Vera Pekhteleva's mother discovered that Kanyus might be serving in a private military company in Ukraine. He had posted photos online wearing camouflage attire and brandishing weapons. The Federal Penitentiary Service confirmed to the victim's relatives that Kanyus had been transferred to the Rostov region in April. No appeal hearing on the murder case has taken place thus far.

Vera Pekhteleva's mother, as conveyed by human rights activist Alyona Popova, expressed her anguish, saying, "Can anyone explain to me how I can live with this? This monster, who has been exempted from criminal liability, [...] can seek revenge by taking the life of any of us, the victims."

In May, two mothers from the Kaluga region contacted the Office of the Prosecutor General on the matter of the whereabouts of the murderers and rapists of their daughters. To their knowledge, the criminals had gone missing from the prison and allegedly joined the fighting in Ukraine. The women haven’t received any response from the Prosecutor General's Office.


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