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  1. Horizontal Russia
  2. In Vladimir, media outlet closes after 10 years of work. Its founders opposed the special operation in Ukraine

In Vladimir, media outlet closes after 10 years of work. Its founders opposed the special operation in Ukraine

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ProVladimir’s founder Alexei Shlyapuzhnikov said that the project was closed. He did not specify the reasons for the media outlet’s liquidation. Shlyapuzhnikov wrote in a post about the media outlet’s closure that he was against the hostilities. He announced this in the media outlet’s Telegram channel.

The ProVladimir Media Outlet’s founder Alexei Shlyapuzhnikov wrote in the media outlet's channel: "The guard is tired. The project is closed. Fuck [the special operation]." He said that the editorial board would release a text explaining the reasons for the closure in the nearest future. Shlyapuzhnikov left Russia for Georgia, but plans to return.

The channel also published a comment by another founder, "Peace to the world."

In September, another media outlet in Vladimir, Prizyv (‘the call’), stopped working immediately after the gubernatorial elections. It is unknown why the founder, State Duma deputy Grigory Anikeev, made such a decision.

After the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, some regional journalists left Russia and continued working abroad. Read 7x7’s text to learn how local projects have retained the opportunity to work for their audience.


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