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  2. Muslim young woman expelled for wearing a headscarf is reinstated at college in Vladimir

Muslim young woman expelled for wearing a headscarf is reinstated at college in Vladimir

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The Vladimir Oblast Department of Education canceled the decision of the pedagogical college’s management and reinstated Ekaterina Gromova. She had been expelled because of wearing a headscarf. This was reported by the ProVladimir Media Outlet.

On September 28, the pedagogical college’s management expelled minor Ekaterina Gromova. The educational institution’s staff considered that the student had violated the rules of conduct by propagandizing war, violence, and fascist ideology with her headscarf.

Officials from the Department of Education intervened in the situation and reinstated Gromova. The department’s head, Svetlana Boltunova, reported that the college management had violated the expulsion procedure.

There was a similar situation in Tyumen. In early September, the principal of school No. 88 kicked a student in a hijab out of class. According to the girl's father, Ibrahim Daudov, initially Golovchak did not let his daughter into school, and when he and his wife began filming the woman on camera, the headmistress allowed the child to come in. The woman herself reported that she asked the girl to take off the "kerchief", and the fifth-grader turned around and left. In the video, Golovchak named the reason for the ban on wearing a hijab — the school’s requirements for the clothes of students. In response, the girl's father said that there was a right to religion in Russia.

After federal media covered the conflict, the school's management allowed students to attend classes in a hijab. But then it was forbidden again: allegedly, wearing such pieces of clothing had been allowed temporarily and "as an exception in the interests of children."


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