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  2. Residents of Kirov opposed the destruction of the garden square at the corner of Karl Marx and Profsoyuznaya streets

Residents of Kirov opposed the destruction of the garden square at the corner of Karl Marx and Profsoyuznaya streets

Public hearing in Kirov regarding the construction of the transport interchange at the intersection of streets

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Public hearing was held in Kirov on May 28 on another construction in the green zone of the regional center. Developers of the project offer to build a "ring" with a diameter of 100 meters. At the same time there will be three traffic lanes, and adjacent roads will remain two-lane. According to officials, this project will help to relieve traffic flows. However, residents of a sub-district near the square have doubts: is it really necessary to destroy the green area in the city?


During the hearing, Irina Rubtsova, head of planning and architecture departure of the city administration, demonstrated 3 projects of transport interchanges. However, she couldn’t answer questions of citizens “Why do we need this interchange? Who is the developer of these projects? Why is a calculation part substantiating benefits of the road ring not presented?”

Member of the hearing, the head of the Kirov branch of "Progress Party" Vitaly Brumm was outraged that citizens were ignored:

“Honestly, when I walked into the October territorial directorate, I told myself not to raise my voice. But when you look at Ms. Rubtsova and see that when some old woman tells her not quite pleasant (for her) but reasonable words, she, Rubtsova, makes a paper plane. And also "lashes back". As one of the few adequate Legislative Assembly deputies Dmitry Russkih rightly said, the chief architect of the city is actually a mayor Vladimir Bykov. He is a tanker, run-of-the-mill, but what he really can do is to get kickbacks from such developments. Although in reality the power in the city belongs to Berezin (system "Globus", in jail) and Krepostnov. All these little people don’t see beyond their noses and don’t want to make our city beautiful, comfortable, and long-range. They think only about their own enrichment”.


Let us recall that it is not the first time when the garden square at the corner of Profsoyuznaya and Karl Marx became a subject of conflict between residents of Kirov and city officials. In particular, last year, on May 19, there was a meeting of residents on the territory of the square who opposed the construction of a business center and parking on this territory.

Sergey Zhilin, «7x7»

Original: http://7x7-journal.ru/item/42770

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