Pyotr Nesterkov from Syktyvkar filed a notification about the referendum with the Komi Election Commission. He wanted to raise the subject of ending the special operation and electing a new president with the citizens. But the commission said no to him because the businessman did not specify the referendum's date. Nesterkov told 7x7 about this.

The Komi Election Commission did not register Pyotr Nesterkov’s notification about the referendum for the pullout of Russian troops from Ukraine. The businessman suggested resolving the issue of holding President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin liable by voting and appointing new presidential elections. But the commission rejected Nesterkov's proposal because he did not set the for the referendum. At the same time, the businessman insists that laws require specifying only the place and time.

“I am ready to become president for a while in order to adopt laws: budget organizations shall post expenses on websites, the laws shall be proposed and adopted by Russian people, rather than by the State Duma deputies. I am a nuclear physicist by training, and I want nuclear weapons to be destroyed and no longer threatened with. And everyone can suggest it,” Nesterkov told 7x7.

According to him, after a post about the referendum, unknown people started calling him with threats, and the FSB summoned him for questioning. After the special operation began, he filed a statement against the President of Russia with the police.

Specialists from different fields launched petitions and open letters against the special operation. Human rights advocate Lev Ponomaryov’s petition was the biggest one in terms of the number of signatures. 1.2 million people signed it and demanded stopping military operations in Ukraine and holding the country's leadership liable. Activist Dmitry Retner launched a petition for Vladimir Putin’s impeachment.
