Residents of the city of Nyandoma have opposed the construction of a waste sorting plant with a landfill where 45% of the imported waste will be buried. They are afraid that toxicants from the landfill will get into rivers and soil, spoil subsoil water. The petition is published on the website.

On April 20, residents of the city of Nyandoma, Arkhangelsk Oblast, launched a petition against the construction of a waste recycling plant with a landfill, which should be operational in 2024 or 2025. More than 900 people have signed it. 45% of the imported waste will be buried at the landfill, so the residents are afraid that toxicants will "poison" water and soil.

According to the residents, the landfill is planned to be built 5 km away from the village of Uksusnyi — the nearest settlement of the Nyandoma District. In addition, the company that is developing the project has conducted geological and geodetic studies without the participation of local social activists.

Residents of Arkhangelsk Oblast have repeatedly protested against the construction of landfills in the region. In September 2021, the Arkhangelsk authorities announced plans to locate three large waste sorting plants in the Kholmogorsky District, Nyandoma and Koryazhma. Communists from the Kholmogorsky District started collecting signatures against the construction. They believe that the work of the plant will negatively affect Lake Travyanoye, where Red Book plants and animals live, mineral water sources are located.

In 2020, residents of Arkhangelsk Oblast and the Komi Republic managed to stop the construction of a landfill near the Shies Railway Station. The Arkhangelsk authorities have abandoned the project after two years of local activists’ protests.
