On March 6, the judge of the Petrozavodsk city court, Alexander Merkov, extended the term of arrest to the Karelian researcher of the Stalinist repressions, Yury Dmitriev, until June 25. This was reported by the correspondent of «7x7» from the court.

The head of the Karelian branch of the Memorial Society and the researcher of the Stalinist repressions Yury Dmitriev was first arrested on December 13, 2016 on suspicion of producing pornographic pictures of his adopted daughter. On March 9, 2017, he was charged under Article 222 of the Criminal Code of Russia (“Illegal possession of firearms”).

In July 2017, the Interregional Human Rights Organization “Memorial” recognized Yury Dmitriev as a political prisoner and demanded to stop his criminal prosecution.

On April 5, 2018 the court of Petrozavodsk acquitted the researcher on the article on pornography, but the Supreme Court of Karelia reversed this decision on June 14. Yury Dmitriev was again detained on June 27. The investigative committee opened a new criminal case under the article on “sexual assault against a minor”. At the request of lawyer Victor Anufriev, both cases were merged into one.

The full story of Dmitriev’s case can be found in the «7x7» chronicle.

On the situation around the Sandarmokh Memorial – in the investigation of «7x7».

Sergey Markelov, «7x7»
