Путин сам призывает  н е   п е р е к р а и в а т ь  карту Европы, упоминая пример ...К Р Ы М А в 2005 - воистину мудрая мысль правителя-миротворца!         

Мир - это самое дорогое, что у нас есть. Пожалуйста, не подвергайте опастности мир. Зачем России Крымский конфликт?  Не надо волноваться: Севастопoль всегда был и останется Российской военной базой.




Watch this >>SENSATIONAL VIDEO<< (turn on ENGLISH SUBTITLES by pressing GREEN button in the bottom). 

President Putin speaks about Crimea, May 10, 2005, @Press-Conference "Russia - European Union" (Moscow, Grand Kremlin Palace; the answer to the Estonian journalist) Путин 10 Mая 2005

In his own words (May 2005) Russian President Putin denounces the idea of the annexation of Crimea back to Russian Federation, as the unspeakable thing, among other new land divisions in Europe, that may provoke international disputes and threaten the sense of peace and stability.

Please, be sure to >>RE-POST<< and to >>SHARE<< this ASAP and as widely as possible with EVERYONE you know, so Mr. Putin can hear the inspiring reminder from many media sources about his own VISIONARY CALL FOR PEACE, along with his vows RE. CRIMEA and re. any other attempt to re-divide the Europe's map, that may threaten the precious peace and stability for millions of people. 

Please, let Mr. Putin know our collective opinion about his still remaining historic opportunity to be known as one of the most wise politicians on this planet. He may deserve the Nobel Prize for Peace for his such historic peace action.  Russia does not need to have an international conflict over Crimea…

Mr. Putin, please, choose PEACE over senseless confrontation over Crimea, just according to your own noble call! Yes, it still CAN be done - the creative mind can find the way, if there is a will!  Please, don’t give up on PEACE!  Thank you wholeheartedly for your peace-making choice over the conflicts based on senseless map re-divisions!