Ryazan interregional environmental prosecutor's office checked compliance with the law at the landfill of the Ekoshlak Waste Storage Company and fined it for 200 thousand rubles due to the fire that occurred at the landfill near the village of Turlatovo in August 2019 — it was reported on the website of the Prosecutor's office on January 17.

The audit office found that Ecoshlak stockpiled waste in slurry reservoir No. 1 near Turlatovo in August 2019, when there were several fires at the dump in one month.

"By decree of the environmental prosecutor, administrative action under Part 1 Article 6.35 of the AOC RF (Violation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for industrial and household waste management) with a fine in the amount of 200,000 rubles was brought against the legal person due to non-compliance with legislation," — says the website of the Environmental prosecutor's office.

The supervisory department stated that it was going to monitor the corrective actions.

Alexander Sufronovich, the head of the Breathing the Clean Public Organization who went to the fire, believes that the damage caused to the environment is not completely uncovered:

 “The dump burned for half of August, fertilizer barns burned in September, birds started falling dead all over the city in November. It is not known whether there is a connection between these phenomena. It is known that waste products were also stored at the landfill, and no one knows what chemical compounds were obtained as a result of their ignition. I'm afraid we'll have to deal with the consequences of both fires for a long time,” he assumed.

There was a fire at the dump near Turlatovo in the evening of August 12, it could not be extinguished until the end of the month. Residents of Ryazan could smell the burning for about three weeks. The chemical waste landfill appeared on the outskirts of Ryazan more than 10 years ago on the site of the waste treatment facilities of the Himvolokno Plant that closed in 2005. The Ryazan authorities promised to close down the landfill several times, it was closed down by a court decision in 2011, but continued to work. On August 20, 2019, the Prosecutor's office of Oktyabrsky District of the city claimed that the court's decision of 2011 should be executed, the landfill should be stopped and the dump should be reclaimed.
