Kostroma communists and activists of the regional public organization 'Children of War' held a picket in the center of Kostroma within the framework of the All-Russian protest action on August 18.

According to website of Kostroma Communist Party, the purpose of the action is to protest the anti-people's socio-economic policy of the government and pay attention to the need to adopt a federal law on the 'children of war'. The communists demand a state support and protection.



On August 17, the Second Reporting and Election Conference of the regional branch of the All-Russian Public Organization 'Children of War' took place in Kostroma. More than 60 delegates from all over the region took part in it. They accepted an appeal to the Russian president with a request to adopt a federal law.

The first secretary of the Kostroma regional committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Izhitsky assured the audience that the communists will continue to promote the bill on the 'children of war' both at the regional and federal levels.

'We will not rest until this law is passed. Your generation should live in dignity,' the leader of the Kostroma communists said.

Alexey Uhankov, photo by Alexey Molotorenko, «7x7»
