The Inspectorate for the Protection of Objects of Cultural Heritage in the Arkhangelsk region initiated an administrative case for violating the legislation on the protection of cultural monuments on the coordinator of the movement 'Last Address' Dmitry Kozlov. This was reported by a lawyer Ivan Pavlov, the head of 'Team 29', representing Kozlov's interests.

The court session is scheduled for August 16.

The reason for the initiation of the case was the installation of the memorial tablet on the Valneva's house on July 18 in Arkhangelsk. The tablet is dedicated to the repressed fitter Ignati Bezsonov shot in 1938, who lived in this house.

'Coordinators of the movement informed the Inspectorate for the Protection of Objects of Cultural Heritage about the installation on July 16, but the inspectorate found the lack of  information; for example, there was no information on what tool they planned to use. After this, they initiated an administrative case, and now the coordinator of the movement faces up to 200 thousand rubles fine,' the lawyer Ivan Pavlov commented on the situation. 'All residents of the house supported the installation of a commemorative sign; throughout Russia, the 'Last Address' installs tablets with the support of the authorities, but in Arkhangelsk a screwdriver plays the crucial role.'

Co-founder of the movement 'Last Address' Sergei Parkhomenko added that the Valneva's house was subject to resettlement and demolition.

The project ‘Last Address' implies the installation of commemorative signs on houses of victims of Stalin's repressions. It is represented in many cities of Russia – Moscow, St. Petersburg, Oryol and others.
