Organizers of the Duck Race, who planned to collect money for charity, were denied a place for the event in the children's park.

'The city administration demanded the park management to cancel the event or to replace a character. We decided to refuse, because the Duck Race is a brand that is known all over the country. Not race of dolphins or crocodiles, but ducks. We already held race in Severodvinsk in June. This action was invented in the USA, it is a fundraising event,' one of the organizers Polina Kireeva said.

Organizers planned to raise money in support of the All-Russian charitable action 'Smile to a sunny day' to help children. 'Sunny boxes' for the attraction tickets will be installed in other cities. At the end of the day, the park administration will double the number of collected tickets and transfer them to social protection committees for distribution among children from unsecured, large, single-parent families.

The first Duck Race took place in Severodvinsk in 2017. Then the organizers were asked to postpone the event from June 11 to June 17 because of the proximity to the Day of Russia on June 12.

On June 12, anti-corruption protests took place across the country, including Severodvinsk. Participants used yellow rubber ducks [duck became a symbol of corruption after the film-investigation of the Anti-Corruption Fund 'He is not Dimon' about the alleged summer residence of Premier Dmitry Medvedev with a 'duck house']. The police detained an inflatable duck in St. Petersburg during a rally.

Daniil Kuznetsov, «7x7»
