Kostroma Court sentenced student of the State University Oleg Prosin to 20 hours of compulsory community service. About this correspondent «7x7» August 4, said coordinator of the Kostroma headquarters Alexei Navalny Alexander Subbotin.

According to Alexander Subbotin, coordinator of the Kostroma Navalny's headquarters, police officers detained Oleg Prosin near ​​the Constitution Square.

'He was just walking down the street. A car stopped, police officer came out and began to threaten Oleg to use force if he did not get to the car voluntarily,' Subbotin said.

The reason for the detention was that Prosin did not pay a fine on time for violating the rules of the action against corruption on March 26, 2017. Subbotin confirmed that he had seen a copy of the document on the absence of debt, but the terms were indeed violated.

On March 26, Kostroma activists held an uncoordinated walk against corruption. Before its start, Oleg Prosin had a single picket on Oktyabrskaya Square with a tablet 'Dimon will answer!'. After that Prosin joined activists, walking toward the center of the city, for which he was detained by the police.

On March 29, the court sentenced Prosin to a fine of 10,000 rubles for violation of the rules of holding a public event, which was expressed 'in the movement using visual propaganda.’

Alexey Uhankov, «7x7»
