The first 53 copies of textbooks published with the support of the Soros Foundation project "Renewal of Humanitarian Education in Russia" were destroyed "by burning" in the library fund of Vorkuta Mining and Economic College.

Internet journal "7x7" has sent an official request to the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of Komi when in mid-December 2015 it became known that literature published with the support of the Soros Foundation was withdrawn from the libraries and educational institutions of the republic. Today, the editors received a reply signed by the acting minister Svetlana Arkhipova-Moiseeva.

It is reported that, according to MoE, 413 books in Ukhta State Technical University were found and recommended to be withdrawn; in Vorkuta Polytechnic College – 14 books; these books were already seized, an act of cancellation is being prepared, and publications will be "disposed of by a shredder".

53 books have already been burned in Vorkuta Mining and Economic College.

Let us recall that scanned copies of letters of deputy presidential envoy in the Northwestern Federal District Andrei Travnikov addressed to the Deputy Prime Minister of Komi Tamara Nikolayeva appeared in the Internet in mid-December 2015. They said that the literature published with the support of the Soros Foundation "forms distorted perception of national history and popularizing mindset alien to the Russian ideology among the youth" and should be seized. Also, the network published a letter from the Acting Education Minister of Komi Svetlana Moiseeva-Arkhipova to the heads of regional universities, vocational schools, and the Komi Republic Institute for Educational Development, in which she requested to submit information on the availability of books in the libraries of educational institutions until December 14.

Then none of the officials did not comment on this information, but the National Library of the Komi Republic, visited by our journalist, confirmed that there was a list of books published with the support of the Soros Foundation as assigned by the authorities. About 50 of books were in a separate case. Among the "unwanted" and popularizing the "alien to the Russian ideology" there were textbooks on logic, the French surrealism and a textbook on criminology.

At the end of November this year, the Fund was recognized an unwanted organization in Russia. Prosecutor General's Office has determined that the fund was a threat to the fundamentals of the constitutional system of Russia and national security. Before that, the fund was in the so-called "patriotic stop list" developed by deputies of the State Duma, which brought more than a dozen "undesirable" NGOs.

The international charitable organization, founded by financier and philanthropist George Soros, initiates and supports programs in education, culture and art, health care, civil initiatives, promoting the development of ideas and mechanisms of open society. The fund is represented in more than 30 countries.

Portal "Medusa" has published an article.

Vladimir Prokushev, «7x7»
