Residents of the Izhemsky district are outraged by the persistent violations of environmental regulations by "Lukoil-Komi" LLC and its contractors, as well as permissive attitude to that of the district administration.



The last straw that served as a cause of such a radical statement was that a construction of clusters began at the border of the Krasnobor village, and the oil companies didn’t conduct the necessary approvals, public hearings and didn’t alert local residents and the administration.


According to the website of Greenpeace Russia and the Save the Pechora Committee, a construction of sites for boreholes on the Shelyayur field without holding public hearings were marked among the latest illegal actions of the oilers. When the civil society of Krasnobor made ​​a requirement to arrange hearings, they were held in another settlement.


The mainlaying on the territory of the district with carrying out "off-the-record public" hearings without proper coordination with the national government. Conducting of the oil spill "cleaning" by burning oil on the inter-field segment of a pipeline in March 2014. Within two days after the accident, residents of Shel'yayur, located at a distance of 10 km from the accident site, observed a black smoke in the afternoon, and a glow at night. The fact of burning is hiding.


Attempts to conceal another accident on the pipeline Nizevaya — Makaryel, which occurred a few days ago.


In this regard, residents of the area have demanded from the Pechora and Komi environmental prosecutor's office to initiate a criminal investigation on the burning of the emergency spilled oily liquid and punish to punish guilty people, from the management of the Izhemsky district — to hold legitimate public hearings on the construction of cluster located on the territory of the settlement Krasnobor in the village Krasnobor in April 2014, and to hold public hearings on the mainlaying in the district. To shut down all the oil works on the territory before the satisfaction of the above requirements.


Villagers of Krasnobor, settlements Vertep, Diyur, Yrgen shar, Pustanya, Izhma, Lasta, Varysh, Bakur, Bolshoye and Maloye Galovo, Shel'yayur, Sizyabsk unanimously voted for termination of activities of the oil company on the territory of the Izhemsky district. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the Prosecutor's Office, the Save the Pechora Committee, the presidium of the public movement "Iz'vatas", chief of the Izhemsky district staff Igor Norkin, as well as members of the district and rural councils.


"Lukoil- Komi" withhold comments on the lodged claims.


Viktor Ivanov, «7x7»

